Nieda & Niezam

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I have chose the word GRATEFUL as it is very honorable of me to share my feelings with you guys how grateful I am now to be Noor Hanida, a cute daughter of the lovely husband and wife Ismail and Hindon. :) well that was just a beautiful introduction of my writing today. Dah lama tak berblogging, so lama jugak nak pikir nak tulis apa, kekok plak rasa :P

Askum all, my dear frens. It has been so long since my last post was published here in my new blog. Dan tak sempat lagi nak memberitahu kalian berkenaan blog yang baru ni. So, I decided to update the blog or update about myself in this blog during this short-n-splendid holiday for me.Welcome guys.

At present, hari ni semua umat islam di dunia menyambut Maal Hijrah 1430. Salam Maal Hijrah, semoga kita semua dilimpahi rezeki dan diberi kesihatan yang baik olehNya. dan 2 hari lagi 2009 pulak datang menjelma. Happy New Year to all. Hopefully this new year will bring us new hope, new achievements, new motivation that can lead and bring us to our destination in life. Speaking about new year, mesti cakap pasal azam tahun baru kan? But before that, let just give me recall the happenings in my life during 2008. I spent this year mostly at IPSAH where I found new frens, knowledge, and memories.

Rasa macam baru je daftar kat situ Institut Perguruan Sultan Halim, Sg Petani on 14th januari lepas. Masa mula-mula waktu orientasi, asik dok pikir tak abis2, tak sangka akan jadi cikgu jugak akhirnya Cik Nida kita ni. Dolu2 tak mau jadi cikgu, xmau dengar cakap mama n bapak, then akhirnya berkat doa parents juga termakbul. Tapi yang sebetoinya, udah jatuh cinta dengan kerjaya cikgu ni masa jadi cikgu ganti lagi.Sonok pulak dengan budak2, rasa sayang, kesian dan terhibur tgk kelatah mereka. Bila apply KPLI n dapat masuk, rasa syukur n berazam buat yang terbaik dan dapatkan ilmu sebanyak yang mungkin.So, bermulalah kelas pada Januari dengan tekunnya blajo sampailah Februari, ada kursus Bina Insan Guru di Pulau Pangkor. Hehe, banyak kenangan tercipta di sini especially the gelaran datin. Sangat2 la nervous masa tu smpai kwn2 pun boleh perasan betapa tension dan muka ketatnye saya masa tu. Tapi, memang great experience for me.Taknak cakap lebih lanjut, hanya mereka-mereka yang tahu sahaja mengetahui. ;)

Mac and April, sebok di Ipsah. Kemuncak sebok dengan assignments, presentations. Tak cukup tangan dibuatnya. Tapi sempat lagi Join the Koir group during the convocation day mengadap Sultan abdul Halim. Minat punye pasal kan. Mei pulak, dateline untuk hantar semua assignments n joined the kem pengakap. Huhu tak pernah termimpi akan masuk pengakap. Seronok juga bila terpilih jadi ahli pengakap. Sebabnya pengakap ni sama je mcm uniform lain, disiplin tinggi, bersih, tapi yang membezakannya ialah pengakap lebih relaks dan asyik gembira. Malam pengakap sangat happening, yang paling best time nyanyi dengan gitar. :) macam2 lagu ada..
Bulan mei juga berlangsungnya perkahwinan fathihah dan pasangannya Ady. Jun dah mula praktikal dkt nun jauh di sana, Baling saya ditempatkan bersama Ilah. 3 bulan kat sini, banyak kenangan manis. Thanks to Ilah, Niza and Huda sbb byk membantu, berkongsi ilmu, suka dan duka sepanjang berada kat Baling.

Bulan oktober, syok raya tahun ni, dapat kumpul semua one family kat rumah. Kalut, happy dan meriah. Kembali ke Ipsah, sambung silibus dan prepare untuk exam. November, kursus Induksi dan BTN di Ulu Kenas. Tapi sebelum tu, I had an accident, minor injuries but tragic accident. Syukur alhamdulillah, semuanya selamat. But my Satria, gone already. Sedih sangat, sebab plan nak pakai lama lagi. My bestfren dah jadi wife bulan ni, congrats sue. Tak sabar nak jumpa di kenduri nanti.

Awal disember, perpisahan dengan rakan2. sedeh sampai tak terkata masa nak babai. Dok tahan ayaq mata tak mau bagi keluar. I really miss them. Kebanyakannya macam kakak,especially my housemates, bleh tahan dengan kerenah adiknya ni yang suka emo2, yang moody, yang blur2..hehe
At the end, 13 of them will be goin to Sarawak soon. I wish u guys best of luck dan semoga tabah mengharungi kehidupan sbg seorang guru di sana. Dah kaya jangan lupa adinda di sini =I

Cakap pasal Sarawak, akhirnya plan percutian ke sana dah pun tercapai bersama2 Azwa, Fheng, Fadzlie and Amin. 4 days and 3 nite at Singgahsana Lodge filled us with joyable experiences, fun dan sangat meletihkan! Paling tak boleh lupa, the breakfast! =D

That was d closing for 2008, as for 2009, here are my current wish listing for my new resolutions.

- to start my career with smile and always smile for the whole year! :) tak lama lagi dah 5 january!
- To care, deliver knowledge to all my pupils with full of passion and dedication insyallah.
- Buying a car, wal-lah!
- Learn to manage my own finance properly, tak mau boros2 dah!
- Spend time at home with alasan takda masa! :)
- To be a better person, of course.

I have no doubt to tell you guys that my heart has been stolen. Yep I am so sure n I’ve find out who dat ‘person’ is. =I to my dearest hby sayang, thanks for everything..sorry for not being a good lover, sorry for not being a good listener, sorry for always hurting u, sorry for everything dear. thank you for loving me the way no one can. u understand me and you know just how to make things right..i know that sometimes you feel that I want to give up on this relationship, i admit that is true, but then, I remember the time when I pray before we met, to give me someone I could love with all my heart and would love me in return, someone I can grow old with to spend my happy and sad memories, and someone whom I can spend the rest of my life with thru all ups and downs, for better or worse..n that's when I always realize that Allah gave me you.
i promise that whatever struggles we have to carry on in our relationship, I would still hold onto our love because I believe dat this is just the way of Allah to teach us to be strong and faithful to each other, dat after this trial we will still be together and start our new life together with a better future ahead of us. I thank Allah for you and thank you for being you. I love you now and I'm sure I'll love you even more tomorrow .... i am so grateful to have u in my life sayang!

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